Last Week in GAI Security Research - 08/26/24

Last Week in GAI Security Research - 08/26/24

Highlights from Last Week

  • 👮‍♂ MMJ-Bench: A Comprehensive Study on Jailbreak Attacks and Defenses for Vision Language Models
  • ⚠️ While GitHub Copilot Excels at Coding, Does It Ensure Responsible Output? 
  • 🔐 An Exploratory Study on Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for Secure Code Generation
  • 🤖 CIPHER: Cybersecurity Intelligent Penetration-testing Helper for Ethical Researcher 
  • 🦮 Perception-guided Jailbreak against Text-to-Image Models
  • 🧰 Ferret: Faster and Effective Automated Red Teaming with Reward-Based Scoring Technique

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👮‍♂ MMJ-Bench: A Comprehensive Study on Jailbreak Attacks and Defenses for Vision Language Models (

  • MMJ-Bench provides a unified framework for evaluating the effectiveness of jailbreak attacks and defenses on vision-language models (VLMs), revealing vulnerabilities through multimodal inputs.
  • Experimental results showed that no VLMs were completely robust against jailbreak attacks, with certain optimization-based and generation-based strategies achieving high success rates.
  • The effectiveness of defense mechanisms varied, with some significantly reducing attack success rates (ASR) while minimally impacting model utility for normal tasks, indicating a trade-off between security and performance.

⚠️ While GitHub Copilot Excels at Coding, Does It Ensure Responsible Output? (

  • LCCTs like GitHub Copilot and Amazon Q demonstrated a 99.4% and 46.3% success rate, respectively, in jailbreaking attacks, exposing sensitive data such as email and physical addresses.
  • Advanced attack methodologies, including 'Contextual Information Aggregation' and 'Hierarchical Code Exploitation', effectively bypass LLM security measures designed for code completion tools.
  • Despite the sophistication of LLMs and security protocols, the research reveals significant vulnerabilities in both proprietary and general-purpose models, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced privacy protections and security frameworks.

🔐 An Exploratory Study on Fine-Tuning Large Language Models for Secure Code Generation (

  • Fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) with vulnerability-fixing commits enhances secure code generation, reducing the vulnerability ratio in generated C/C++ code by 6.4% and 5.4%, respectively.
  • Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques like LoRA and IA3 improve LLMs' ability to generate secure code, with experimentally fine-tuned models reaching a secure code generation ratio of up to 79.2% in C.
  • The granularity of the fine-tuning dataset influences LLMs' performance in secure code generation, with function-level fine-tuning achieving better performance in reducing code vulnerabilities than file-level, block-level, or line-level fine-tuning.

🤖 CIPHER: Cybersecurity Intelligent Penetration-testing Helper for Ethical Researcher (

  • CIPHER, an AI-powered penetration testing assistant, significantly enhances the efficiency and accessibility of penetration testing by integrating domain-specific knowledge, improving upon traditional and automated methods.
  • The introduction of the FARR (Findings, Action, Reasoning, Result) Flow methodology for assessing large language models in cybersecurity scenarios showcases an innovative benchmark for evaluating technical reasoning capabilities.
  • Through specialized training on a pentesting dataset, CIPHER achieves superior performance in guiding penetration tests, outperforming state-of-the-art models in FARR Flow Reasoning Evaluation, underscoring the importance of domain-specific fine-tuning.

🦮 Perception-guided Jailbreak against Text-to-Image Models (

  • Perception-guided jailbreak methods exploit vulnerabilities in text-to-image models, enabling the generation of NSFW images by substituting unsafe words with perceptually similar but semantically inconsistent safe phrases.
  • Experiments across six open-source and commercial text-to-image models demonstrated the method's efficiency and effectiveness, bypassing safety checkers without requiring complex, resource-intensive queries.
  • The method benefits from leveraging large language models (LLMs) to identify suitable substitution phrases that satisfy the Principle of Similarity in Text Semantic Inconsistency (PSTSI), significantly reducing manual effort and improving attack success rates.

🧰 Ferret: Faster and Effective Automated Red Teaming with Reward-Based Scoring Technique (

  • FERRET significantly improves attack success rates to 95%, outperforming RAINBOW by 46%, demonstrating enhanced efficacy in generating adversarial prompts.
  • The approach reduces the time required for successful attacks by 90%, achieving a rapid 15.2% Attack Success Rate (ASR), underscoring a significant efficiency gain.
  • Adversarial prompts generated by FERRET are transferable across different Large Language Models (LLMs), indicating a robust method adaptable to various AI systems.

Other Interesting Research

  • Efficient Detection of Toxic Prompts in Large Language Models ( - ToxicDetector offers an innovative, fast, and highly accurate solution for real-time detection of toxic prompts in large language models.
  • Characterizing and Evaluating the Reliability of LLMs against Jailbreak Attacks ( - Research unveils substantial vulnerabilities in LLMs against jailbreak attacks, providing critical insights for enhancing model security and ethical compliance.
  • EEG-Defender: Defending against Jailbreak through Early Exit Generation of Large Language Models ( - EEG-Defender enhances LLM security by significantly lowering jailbreak prompt success with minimal impact on performance, underscoring the value of early transformer layer analysis for prompt classification.
  • Hide Your Malicious Goal Into Benign Narratives: Jailbreak Large Language Models through Neural Carrier Articles ( - Emerging techniques in jailbreaking LLMs indicate significant vulnerabilities that can be exploited using sophisticated, automated methods, highlighting the need for enhanced security and ethical guidelines.
  • BaThe: Defense against the Jailbreak Attack in Multimodal Large Language Models by Treating Harmful Instruction as Backdoor Trigger ( - Innovative defense mechanisms using virtual rejection prompts effectively counteract jailbreak attacks on multimodal large language models, even against unknown threats.
  • Probing the Safety Response Boundary of Large Language Models via Unsafe Decoding Path Generation ( - Safety mechanisms in Large Language Models are easily circumvented through decoding path exploitation and prompt optimization, posing significant challenges to maintaining both output safety and readability.
  • Towards Efficient Formal Verification of Spiking Neural Network ( - SNNs emerge as a power-efficient AI model option, yet face hurdles in scalable verification, prompting the need for advanced temporal encoding verification methods.
  • Can Large Language Models Improve the Adversarial Robustness of Graph Neural Networks? ( - LLM4RGNN demonstrates significant improvement in adversarial robustness for graph neural networks by leveraging GPT-4 to purify graph structures from malicious perturbations.
  • Towards Robust Knowledge Unlearning: An Adversarial Framework for Assessing and Improving Unlearning Robustness in Large Language Models ( - Innovative frameworks like LAU and DUA significantly bolster the robustness of unlearning processes in LLMs, effectively reducing the risk of unintended knowledge retention and resurgence.
  • PatUntrack: Automated Generating Patch Examples for Issue Reports without Tracked Insecure Code ( - PatUntrack significantly outperforms LLM baselines in generating patch examples for IRs, demonstrating practical utility and innovation in automated vulnerability patching.
  • Vulnerability Handling of AI-Generated Code -- Existing Solutions and Open Challenges ( - AI-generated code's unique vulnerabilities demand innovative LLM-based solutions, which, despite promising advancements, face significant challenges in reliability and comprehensiveness.
  • How Well Do Large Language Models Serve as End-to-End Secure Code Producers? ( - LLMs revolutionize code generation but struggle with high vulnerability rates, yet iterative repair strategies show promise in enhancing code security.
  • Transferring Backdoors between Large Language Models by Knowledge Distillation ( - ATBA highlights critical vulnerabilities in language model distillation with its ability to transfer backdoors effectively, necessitating advanced security measures.
  • Large Language Models are Good Attackers: Efficient and Stealthy Textual Backdoor Attacks ( - EST-Bad method enhances the stealthiness and efficiency of textual backdoor attacks in LLMs through optimized trigger injection and a novel sample selection strategy.
  • MEGen: Generative Backdoor in Large Language Models via Model Editing ( - MEGen presents a swift, stealthy, and effective method for embedding backdoors into large language models, posing significant implications for the security of NLP applications.
  • Against All Odds: Overcoming Typology, Script, and Language Confusion in Multilingual Embedding Inversion Attacks ( - The study reveals critical vulnerabilities in multilingual LLMs' security, demonstrating varying susceptibilities across languages and scripts to inversion attacks and emphasizing the need for comprehensive security strategies.
  • A Disguised Wolf Is More Harmful Than a Toothless Tiger: Adaptive Malicious Code Injection Backdoor Attack Leveraging User Behavior as Triggers ( - Backdoor attacks on large language models for code generation can be highly effective with minimal poisoned data, highlighting significant security vulnerabilities.
  • Unlearning Trojans in Large Language Models: A Comparison Between Natural Language and Source Code ( - The novel Lya approach effectively unlearns trojan behaviors in LLMs, offering a promising solution to maintain model integrity and effectiveness without significant performance degradation.
  • Unlocking Adversarial Suffix Optimization Without Affirmative Phrases: Efficient Black-box Jailbreaking via LLM as Optimizer ( - ECLIPSE presents a highly efficient, black-box approach to LLM jailbreaking, achieving superior success rates with lower overhead and minimal manual intervention.
  • MIA-Tuner: Adapting Large Language Models as Pre-training Text Detector ( - MIA-Tuner revolutionary approach boosts detection and defense capabilities in LLMs against privacy risks with exceptional effectiveness and adaptability.
  • Antidote: Post-fine-tuning Safety Alignment for Large Language Models against Harmful Fine-tuning ( - Antidote effectively mitigates harmful fine-tuning effects with minimal impact on accuracy, addressing the challenge of hyper-parameter sensitivity in fine-tuning defenses.
  • Privacy Checklist: Privacy Violation Detection Grounding on Contextual Integrity Theory ( - Innovations in privacy evaluation using AI models and CI theory underscore the growing complexity and necessity of sophisticated privacy protections in digital data handling.
  • Promoting Equality in Large Language Models: Identifying and Mitigating the Implicit Bias based on Bayesian Theory ( - BTBR method improves fairness in Large Language Models by mitigating implicit biases, though it navigates the challenging balance between maintaining performance and achieving fairness.
  • Development of an AI Anti-Bullying System Using Large Language Model Key Topic Detection ( - AI's pivotal role in combating cyberbullying is marred by challenges in discerning ambiguity and context in digital communications, necessitating further advances for efficacy.

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This post was generated using generative AI (OpenAI GPT-4T). Specific approaches were taken to reduce fabrications. As with any AI-generated content, mistakes might be present. Sources for all content have been included for reference.