Last Week in GAI Security Research - 06/24/24

Last Week in GAI Security Research - 06/24/24

Highlights from Last Week

  • 🥷🏿 AgentDojo: A Dynamic Environment to Evaluate Attacks and Defenses for LLM Agents
  • 🐵 From LLMs to MLLMs: Exploring the Landscape of Multimodal Jailbreaking
  • 💰 Jailbreaking as a Reward Misspecification Problem 
  • 🏹 "Not Aligned" is Not "Malicious": Being Careful about Hallucinations of Large Language Models' Jailbreak
  • 📚 Knowledge-to-Jailbreak: One Knowledge Point Worth One Attack

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🥷🏿 AgentDojo: A Dynamic Environment to Evaluate Attacks and Defenses for LLM Agents (

  • Current large language models (LLMs) solve less than 66% of the tasks in a new benchmark called AgentDojo, with successful attacks on the best performing agents occurring in less than 25% of the scenarios.
  • Defenses against prompt injection attacks in LLMs, when implemented, reduce the success rate of these attacks to 8%, demonstrating vulnerabilities and the potential for designing more robust defense mechanisms.
  • The evaluation of LLMs using AgentDojo, with 97 tasks and 629 security test cases, reveals significant security limitations in adversarial settings, underscoring the need for ongoing improvement in AI agent defenses.

🐵 From LLMs to MLLMs: Exploring the Landscape of Multimodal Jailbreaking (

  • Jailbreaking research in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) is expanding, with a focus on identifying vulnerabilities through adversarial attacks and developing defense strategies to enhance robustness and security.
  • Despite rapid advancements, the domain of multimodal jailbreaking remains underexplored, highlighting a need for further research in attack methods, defense mechanisms, and evaluation benchmarks to address complex scenarios and ensure reliability.
  • Future directions in jailbreaking research should prioritize developing a deeper understanding of multimodal attacks, exploring diverse datasets to enhance model robustness against sophisticated adversarial techniques, and reinforcing ethical practices in AI.

💰 Jailbreaking as a Reward Misspecification Problem (

  • ReMiss, an automated red-teaming system, generates adversarial prompts that achieve high attack success rates on aligned large language models (LLMs), indicating significant vulnerabilities in reward misspecification.
  • Reward misspecification, quantified by ReGap, enables the detection of harmful prompts and backdoor attacks, highlighting the critical need for high-quality reward modeling in safety-aligned LLMs.
  • Transfer attacks using adversarial suffixes generated by ReMiss demonstrate the model's robustness across various LLMs, including closed-source models like GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4, with significantly higher attack success rates compared to other methods.

🏹 "Not Aligned" is Not "Malicious": Being Careful about Hallucinations of Large Language Models' Jailbreak (

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) are prone to generating outputs that can be harmful or misleading when subjected to malicious or adversarial prompts, necessitating robust evaluation frameworks to mitigate such risks.
  • BABYBLUE, a novel evaluation framework, enhances the detection of hallucinations and malicious outputs in LLMs through specialized evaluators and a comprehensive benchmark dataset, leading to optimized safety measures.
  • The BABYBLUE dataset significantly reduces the rates of false positives in malicious output detection, refining the evaluation process for safer deployment of LLM technologies.

📚 Knowledge-to-Jailbreak: One Knowledge Point Worth One Attack (

  • The jailbreak-generator outperforms conventional methods in generating domain-specific jailbreaks, achieving higher harmfulness and knowledge relevance.
  • Enhanced jailbreaks with knowledge integration exhibit a 30% improvement in achieving a harmfulness score above 5, indicating more effective adversarial attacks.
  • Generalization across different domains and large language models (LLMs) showcases the jailbreak-generator's adaptability, with significant performance in unseen domains.

Other Interesting Research

  • Threat Modelling and Risk Analysis for Large Language Model (LLM)-Powered Applications ( - LLMs face complex security challenges that demand innovative mitigation strategies to protect critical data and maintain system integrity across various applications.
  • Prompt Injection Attacks in Defended Systems ( - Innovative defenses significantly mitigate malicious prompt injection attacks in language models, illustrating the evolving challenge of securing AI systems.
  • SHIELD: Evaluation and Defense Strategies for Copyright Compliance in LLM Text Generation ( - Innovative defense mechanisms including SHIELD offer solutions to the copyright infringement challenges faced by Large Language Models by actively reducing the generation of copyrighted content.
  • ObscurePrompt: Jailbreaking Large Language Models via Obscure Input ( - The OBSCURE PROMPT method reveals critical vulnerabilities in LLMs to obscure inputs, urging the development of more sophisticated defenses.
  • ChatBug: A Common Vulnerability of Aligned LLMs Induced by Chat Templates ( - ChatBug vulnerability in chat templates exposes LLMs to harmful exploitation, challenging the balance between model safety and performance.
  • Jailbreak Paradox: The Achilles' Heel of LLMs ( - The inherently flawed capability of foundation models to detect jailbreaks highlights the critical need for innovative approaches to ensure AI security and alignment.
  • Towards Understanding Jailbreak Attacks in LLMs: A Representation Space Analysis ( - Research showcases successful jailbreak attacks on LLMs, emphasizing the critical need for robust safety measures and improved alignment with human values.

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This post was generated using generative AI (OpenAI GPT-4T). Specific approaches were taken to reduce fabrications. As with any AI-generated content, mistakes might be present. Sources for all content have been included for reference.