Last Week in GAI Security Research - 09/23/24

Last Week in GAI Security Research - 09/23/24

Highlights from Last Week

  • ๐Ÿงฎ Jailbreaking Large Language Models with Symbolic Mathematics
  • โ‡ AutoSafeCoder: A Multi-Agent Framework for Securing LLM Code Generation through Static Analysis and Fuzz Testing
  • ๐Ÿ“จ Towards Novel Malicious Packet Recognition: A Few-Shot Learning Approach
  • ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป Hacking, The Lazy Way: LLM Augmented Pentesting
  • ๐Ÿ“ CoCA: Regaining Safety-awareness of Multimodal Large Language Models with Constitutional Calibration 

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๐Ÿงฎ Jailbreaking Large Language Models with Symbolic Mathematics (

  • The MathPrompt technique demonstrated an average attack success rate (ASR) of 73.6% across several Large Language Models (LLMs) by encoding harmful prompts in symbolic mathematics to bypass safety mechanisms.
  • Mathematically encoded prompts significantly alter the semantic representation of the input, reducing the effectiveness of LLM's safety filters and highlighting a need for comprehensive safety measures that address various input modalities.
  • Even with advanced safety training, LLMs remain vulnerable to symbolic mathematics attacks, with proprietary and open-source models alike exhibiting high success rates for bypasses such as GPT-4o at 85.0% and Llama 3.1 70B at 73.3%.

โ‡ AutoSafeCoder: A Multi-Agent Framework for Securing LLM Code Generation through Static Analysis and Fuzz Testing (

  • AutoSafeCoder framework achieves a 13% reduction in code vulnerabilities without compromising functionality, highlighting the efficacy of integrating multi-agent systems in secure code generation.
  • In evaluations, AutoSafeCoder outperformed GPT-4o in reducing vulnerabilities, with a significant identification and rectification of recurring vulnerability CWE-94 across multiple code samples.
  • The integration of Large Language Models in software development raises security concerns, with studies showing that up to 40% of LLM-generated codes may fail to meet minimal security standards.

๐Ÿ“จ Towards Novel Malicious Packet Recognition: A Few-Shot Learning Approach (

  • The study achieved an average accuracy of 86.35% and an F1-Score of 86.40% in detecting various malware types across network traffic, including IoT environments, using few-shot learning with large language model (LLM) embeddings.
  • A few-shot learning framework with pre-trained LLM embeddings demonstrated substantial adaptability in recognizing novel malware types with minimal labeled data, emphasizing the shift towards more intelligent and adaptive malware detection methodologies.
  • Encrypting network traffic with algorithms like AES significantly diminishes the model's ability to learn distinguishable patterns from raw bytes, showing an accuracy of 57.16% and an F1-Score of 44.52%, whereas Fernet encryption resulted in much higher performance with an accuracy of 91.41% and an F1-Score of 92.09%.

๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป Hacking, The Lazy Way: LLM Augmented Pentesting (

  • LLM Augmented Pentesting with GPT-4-turbo increases efficiency, reducing command generation and summarization tasks from 8-10 minutes to 4-5 minutes.
  • Augmented pentesting effectively addresses complex real-world cybersecurity challenges without significantly enhancing task completion rates.
  • The integration of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) with Pentest Copilot significantly improves the accuracy and relevance of generated pentesting commands.

๐Ÿ“ CoCA: Regaining Safety-awareness of Multimodal Large Language Models with Constitutional Calibration (

  • Constitutional Calibration technique enhances MLLMs' safety-awareness against malicious visual inputs by recalibrating the output distribution in alignment with safety prompts.
  • Experimental evaluations demonstrate that incorporating safety principles directly into MLLM prompts substantially improves the model's resilience to generating harmful responses from malicious image queries.
  • The gap between image and textual modalities in MLLMs contributes to their susceptibility to malicious inputs, but can be effectively mitigated through the training-free approach of Constitutional Calibration.

Other Interesting Research

  • Prompt Obfuscation for Large Language Models ( - Prompt obfuscation effectively protects intellectual property in LLM applications without sacrificing performance or usability, demonstrating resilience against sophisticated deobfuscation methods.
  • Detection Made Easy: Potentials of Large Language Models for Solidity Vulnerabilities ( - SmartVD's application of finely-tuned LLMs on a balanced dataset revolutionizes the detection of vulnerabilities in Solidity contracts, setting a new standard for security in blockchain technologies.
  • ContractTinker: LLM-Empowered Vulnerability Repair for Real-World Smart Contracts ( - ContractTinker demonstrates the effective application of Language Models and Chain-Of-Thought reasoning in automating the repair of smart contract vulnerabilities, though it also reveals the limits of current technologies in achieving perfect accuracy without human intervention.
  • LLM-Powered Text Simulation Attack Against ID-Free Recommender Systems ( - Research unveils the inherent vulnerability of ID-free recommender systems to LLM-based text simulation attacks and introduces an effective countermeasure to enhance system integrity.
  • Code Vulnerability Detection: A Comparative Analysis of Emerging Large Language Models ( - Advanced LLMs significantly elevate the precision of software vulnerability detection, marking a pivotal advancement towards robust cybersecurity frameworks.
  • VulnLLMEval: A Framework for Evaluating Large Language Models in Software Vulnerability Detection and Patching ( - LLMs show promising potential in cybersecurity tasks, with performance hinging on context richness and dataset relevance.
  • Context-aware Code Segmentation for C-to-Rust Translation using Large Language Models ( - Optimizing code segment size and supplementing context significantly improves C-to-Rust translation accuracy and compilation success rates.
  • Generated Data with Fake Privacy: Hidden Dangers of Fine-tuning Large Language Models on Generated Data ( - Fine-tuning LLMs with generated or domain-specific data enhances performance but raises significant privacy risks, suggesting careful consideration of tuning parameters to mitigate threats.

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This post was generated using generative AI (OpenAI GPT-4T). Specific approaches were taken to reduce fabrications. As with any AI-generated content, mistakes might be present. Sources for all content have been included for reference.