Last Week in GAI Security Research - 07/22/24

Last Week in GAI Security Research - 07/22/24

🎰 Blackhat 2024 is coming up on August 3-8th! If you intend to be in Las Vegas for the annual security conference and want to discuss generative AI applied to security use cases, send me an email. I will be speaking on one of the panels in the AI Summit and facilitating a roundtable amongst CISOs on securely adopting AI within the enterprise. - bsd πŸƒ

Highlights from Last Week

  • πŸ‘ΌπŸ» The Better Angels of Machine Personality: How Personality Relates to LLM Safety
  • πŸ” Static Detection of Filesystem Vulnerabilities in Android Systems
  • 🐎 SENTAUR: Security EnhaNced Trojan Assessment Using LLMs Against Undesirable Revisions
  • 🦺 What Makes and Breaks Safety Fine-tuning? A Mechanistic Study
  • πŸ“Š Learning on Graphs with Large Language Models(LLMs): A Deep Dive into Model Robustness
  • 🧾 Prover-Verifier Games improve legibility of LLM outputs 

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Pillar Security is the security stack for AI teams. Fortify the entire AI application development lifecycle while helping Security teams regain visibility and visibility control.

  • Gain complete oversight of your AI inventory. Audit usage, app interactions, inputs, outputs, meta-prompts, user sessions, models and tools with full transparency.
  • Safeguard your apps with enterprise-grade low-latency security and safety guardrails. Detect and prevent attacks that can affect your users, data and AI-app integrity.
  • Assess and reduce risk by continuously stress-testing your AI apps with automated security and safety evaluations. Enhance resilience against novel attacks and stay ahead of emerging threats.

πŸ‘ΌπŸ» The Better Angels of Machine Personality: How Personality Relates to LLM Safety (

  • Editing personality traits using a steering vector technique can enhance LLMs' safety capabilities, evidencing a direct relationship between specific personality traits and the LLMs' ability to handle safety-related functionalities.
  • LLMs exhibit varying susceptibility to jailbreak attempts based on their personality traits, with extraversion, intuition, and feeling traits being particularly vulnerable to harmful instructions.
  • The MBTI assessment of LLMs reveals that certain personality dimensions (e.g., Extraversion-Introversion) are not clearly distinguishable, indicating a need for further refinement to accurately capture and differentiate LLM personality traits.

πŸ” Static Detection of Filesystem Vulnerabilities in Android Systems (

  • PathSentinel detected 51 vulnerabilities across 217 applications on Samsung and OnePlus devices, including instances of path traversal, hijacking, and luring, with only 2 false positives reported.
  • The research demonstrated the effectiveness of combining static analysis with large language models (LLMs) for detecting and exploiting filesystem vulnerabilities in Android applications.
  • Among the vulnerabilities disclosed, four were confirmed by the manufacturers, highlighting the current risk and response landscape for mobile security in Android ecosystems.

🐎 SENTAUR: Security EnhaNced Trojan Assessment Using LLMs Against Undesirable Revisions (

  • SENATAUR leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to assess and generate hardware Trojans (HTs) in System-on-Chip (SoC) designs, providing a versatile framework for inserting and evaluating legitimate HT instances without manual manipulation.
  • Experimental results using Trust-Hub benchmarks and GPT-4 integration demonstrate the capability of SENTAUR to accurately generate and synthesize RTL code for HT insertion, validating the effectiveness of LLMs in automating security assessments in IC supply chains.
  • The SENTAUR framework emphasizes the need for adaptable, platform-independent HT assessment tools that can address the complex nature of modern SoC designs, offering insights into the potential risks and mitigation strategies against untrusted third-party IPs in the hardware design process.

🦺 What Makes and Breaks Safety Fine-tuning? A Mechanistic Study (

  • Safety fine-tuning enhances language models' ability to differentiate and process safe versus unsafe inputs, forming distinct clusters and reducing vulnerability to jailbreak and adversarial attacks.
  • Despite the enhancements, adversarially designed inputs could still bypass safety mechanisms, with attacks successfully masquerading as safe inputs, challenging the robustness of fine-tuned safety protocols.
  • Interventions via modifying the safety fine-tuning parameters can further reduce the models' susceptibility to jailbreak attacks, indicating a pathway for improving safety mechanisms in language models.

πŸ“Š Learning on Graphs with Large Language Models(LLMs): A Deep Dive into Model Robustness (

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) integrated with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) exhibit varying degrees of robustness against adversarial attacks, with some configurations proving significantly more resistant to structural and textual perturbations.
  • Models enhanced with LLMs as predictors or enhancers show greater robustness to structural attacks than to textual attacks, indicating a potential need for improved defense mechanisms against the latter.
  • The development and deployment of a benchmark library for evaluating the robustness of Graph-LLMs against adversarial attacks facilitate the identification of vulnerabilities and encourage further research into enhancing model resilience.

🧾 Prover-Verifier Games improve legibility of LLM outputs (

  • Checkability training with Prover-Verifier Games improves the legibility and correctness of Large Language Models (LLMs) outputs, demonstrating a balance between solution accuracy and comprehensibility.
  • Training against smaller verifiers shows an increase in model robustness and legibility, suggesting scalable methods for enhancing the clarity of model-generated explanations without sacrificing performance.
  • Legibility training facilitates the development of LLM outputs that remain intelligible to time-constrained human evaluators, thereby improving the collaborative potential between humans and AI in problem-solving contexts.

Other Interesting Research

  • LLMs as Function Approximators: Terminology, Taxonomy, and Questions for Evaluation ( - Exploring the depths of LLMs as function approximators reveals a complex landscape of capabilities, challenges, and a new frontier for evaluating AI understanding and task execution.
  • Does Refusal Training in LLMs Generalize to the Past Tense? ( - Past tense reformulation effectively bypasses LLM refusal mechanisms, exposing a critical vulnerability in current model defenses.
  • AgentPoison: Red-teaming LLM Agents via Poisoning Memory or Knowledge Bases ( - AGENT POISON effectively compromises LLM agents with minimal disruption to benign performance, boasting high transferability and stealthiness.
  • DistillSeq: A Framework for Safety Alignment Testing in Large Language Models using Knowledge Distillation ( - DistillSeq showcases a method for improving LLM safety testing efficiency and efficacy, with reduced costs and higher success rates for detecting vulnerabilities.
  • Turning Generative Models Degenerate: The Power of Data Poisoning Attacks ( - The study reveals the pivotal role of trigger design in executing successful and stealthy data poisoning attacks on LLMs and underscores the inadequacy of current defenses against such attacks in NLG tasks.
  • Uncertainty is Fragile: Manipulating Uncertainty in Large Language Models ( - LLMs' sensitivity to uncertainty manipulation reveals a vulnerability that can be exploited using simple backdoor triggers, highlighting the need for improved security measures.
  • Robust Utility-Preserving Text Anonymization Based on Large Language Models ( - Advancements in text anonymization leverage LLMs for privacy preservation, achieve high utility, and contribute valuable datasets for ongoing research.
  • BEAF: Observing BEfore-AFter Changes to Evaluate Hallucination in Vision-language Models ( - Innovative benchmarking reveals critical flaws in VLMs' reasoning under scene changes, pushing the frontier in hallucination evaluation and model reliability.
  • SLIP: Securing LLMs IP Using Weights Decomposition ( - SLIP emerges as a promising method for securing intellectual property in LLMs, offering robust protection with minimal impact on performance and cost.
  • ChatLogic: Integrating Logic Programming with Large Language Models for Multi-Step Reasoning ( - ChatLogic efficiently boosts LLMs' multi-step reasoning abilities, ensuring higher accuracy and robust multi-step deductive reasoning with significant improvements observed across multiple datasets.

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This post was generated using generative AI (OpenAI GPT-4T). Specific approaches were taken to reduce fabrications. As with any AI-generated content, mistakes might be present. Sources for all content have been included for reference.